Pictures from the everyday life of the family


Year 2003

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Simon enjoyes walking barefeetet after one of the first boatrides of the year

Lissen takes a cigarette and a good look, enjoying the beautifull nature.

Picnic after the first boatride of the year. Simon is the fotographer.

The rest of the family

The "kids" amouses themselves in the Zodiac.

This is the way to use a skateboard, if you can't ride it properly.

Same usage, but new rider.

Simon and Erik is assembling the grill.

Lissen has order school at home.

One of our friends intertain Viktor and Simon. By the way, the big boys name is also Simon.

Simon after finishing the Coca Cola Cup. 5 kilometres on crosscountry ski. Well done.

Now the Coke has been drunken and we head for home, also by ski.

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